Learning journeys

We are not just here to facilitate learning for others; we're on a continuous learning adventure ourselves. We aim to inspire you by sharing our projects, as well as the rich learning experiences from our gloclearning community. So, let's embark on this journey together and find inspiration!

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Action roadmap: Eatsafe Food Safety Innovation Challenge

In 2022 Glocolearning, in collaboration with USAID, GAIN and SUNBusiness Network has facilitated at the Eatsafe Innovation Challenge in Nigeria and Ethiopia to enhance food safety solutions in traditional markets.

Change tracks: Wild Futures Project with Cornell University

Glocolearning facilitated a 2022-2023 workshop series in collaboration with Cornell University's Department of Global Development and IFSS Portal Initiative, supporting the Wild Futures project

Action roadmap: the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)'s 20th anniversary

In October 2022, GAIN hosted a workshop in Utrecht, Netherlands, facilitated by Glocolearning, focusing on understanding Tanzania's urban food environment through a food systems approach

Action roadmap: Wageningen University & Research Food systems course

Glocolearning guided a 3-day action roadmap workshop, uniting students and professionals, as part of a collaborative Food Systems course at Wageningen University & Research.

Changing tracks with the Central Highlands Ecoregion Foodscape (CHEF) project

Glocolearning provided support to the CHEF project, hosted by The Nature Conservancy in partnership with CGIAR, focusing on regenerative agriculture in Kenya's Central Highlands.

Visioning with the Social Gastronomy Movement

A 30-minute online visioning exercise hosted by the Social Gastronomy Movement (SGM) to inspire participants to envision a hunger-free and nutritious future by 2030.

Visioning at the Business Fights Poverty Summit

A 90-minute visioning workshop hosted by Business Fights Poverty, NutritionConnect (GAIN), and IFSS Portal Initiative aiming at exploring the potential of public-private partnerships in promoting healthy and sustainable diets

Bringing Back Thesis Findings to Communities

In December 2024, Glocolearning, in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, facilitated bringing back thesis findings on research about neglected and underutilized species to communities in Kenya’s central highlands, highlighting their nutritional and climate-resilient potential.

Driving Sustainable Change: Uniting Public and Private Sectors in Food Systems Transformation

In June 2023, amidst the Business Fights Poverty (BFP) Global Summit, Glocolearning has facilitated a workshop session with practitioners from public and private sectors to delve into the intricacies of systems change.

Co-creating a vision for change in 2050 in a pastoralist setting in Isiolo, Kenya

What is the food environment in a pastoralist setting and how can the food environment be more resilient to climate change and connected to environmental sustainability?

Learning from mistakes

At glocolearning, we stand for openness and connection, courage and humility, for ourselves and others.

Seeding “Wild Futures” in food systems transformation: Using Backcasting to Strengthen Innovation Case Studies

Since early 2022 we have been collaborating on the Wild Futures Project led by Marrio Herrero, Daniel Mascon D’Croz, and their team of researchers

Boosting food systems thinking & cross-disciplinarity at the GAIN 20th anniversary workshop sessions

On October 20th 2022, to celebrate GAIN’s 20th anniversary, a ‘reshaping food systems and nutrition’ workshop took place.

Moving beyond “silver bullets”: Co-learning through the EatSafe Food Safety Innovation Challenge in Ethiopia and Nigeria

What began as a shared priority to focus on improving food safety in local traditional market settings across teams at the EatSafe Feed the Future Initiative

Bringing Back Thesis Findings to Communities

In December 2024, Glocolearning, in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, facilitated bringing back thesis findings on research about neglected and underutilized species to communities in Kenya’s central highlands, highlighting their nutritional and climate-resilient potential.

Action roadmap: Eatsafe Food Safety Innovation Challenge

In 2022 Glocolearning, in collaboration with USAID, GAIN and SUNBusiness Network has facilitated at the Eatsafe Innovation Challenge in Nigeria and Ethiopia to enhance food safety solutions in traditional markets.

Change tracks: Wild Futures Project with Cornell University

Glocolearning facilitated a 2022-2023 workshop series in collaboration with Cornell University's Department of Global Development and IFSS Portal Initiative, supporting the Wild Futures project

Action roadmap: the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)'s 20th anniversary

In October 2022, GAIN hosted a workshop in Utrecht, Netherlands, facilitated by Glocolearning, focusing on understanding Tanzania's urban food environment through a food systems approach

Action roadmap: Wageningen University & Research Food systems course

Glocolearning guided a 3-day action roadmap workshop, uniting students and professionals, as part of a collaborative Food Systems course at Wageningen University & Research.

Changing tracks with the Central Highlands Ecoregion Foodscape (CHEF) project

Glocolearning provided support to the CHEF project, hosted by The Nature Conservancy in partnership with CGIAR, focusing on regenerative agriculture in Kenya's Central Highlands.

Visioning with the Social Gastronomy Movement

A 30-minute online visioning exercise hosted by the Social Gastronomy Movement (SGM) to inspire participants to envision a hunger-free and nutritious future by 2030.

Visioning at the Business Fights Poverty Summit

A 90-minute visioning workshop hosted by Business Fights Poverty, NutritionConnect (GAIN), and IFSS Portal Initiative aiming at exploring the potential of public-private partnerships in promoting healthy and sustainable diets

Driving Sustainable Change: Uniting Public and Private Sectors in Food Systems Transformation

In June 2023, amidst the Business Fights Poverty (BFP) Global Summit, Glocolearning has facilitated a workshop session with practitioners from public and private sectors to delve into the intricacies of systems change.

Co-creating a vision for change in 2050 in a pastoralist setting in Isiolo, Kenya

What is the food environment in a pastoralist setting and how can the food environment be more resilient to climate change and connected to environmental sustainability?

Learning from mistakes

At glocolearning, we stand for openness and connection, courage and humility, for ourselves and others.

Seeding “Wild Futures” in food systems transformation: Using Backcasting to Strengthen Innovation Case Studies

Since early 2022 we have been collaborating on the Wild Futures Project led by Marrio Herrero, Daniel Mascon D’Croz, and their team of researchers

Boosting food systems thinking & cross-disciplinarity at the GAIN 20th anniversary workshop sessions

On October 20th 2022, to celebrate GAIN’s 20th anniversary, a ‘reshaping food systems and nutrition’ workshop took place.

Moving beyond “silver bullets”: Co-learning through the EatSafe Food Safety Innovation Challenge in Ethiopia and Nigeria

What began as a shared priority to focus on improving food safety in local traditional market settings across teams at the EatSafe Feed the Future Initiative

“The co-creation and co-learning approach is contributing a lot to how we develop foodscapes.”

Stephen Wood
The Nature Conservancy, USA