Roseline Remans

Roseline is the founder of glocolearning and an honorary research fellow with the CGIAR Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, based in Brussels, Belgium. She is a bio-systems engineer by training and has performed applied research on biodiversity in food systems for 20+ years.

Complementary to Roseline’s research background, she has studied and trained in systems change leadership and facilitation through the Great Full, the MIT U-lab and Radical Transformative Leadership. Roseline’s glocolearning work focuses on facilitating co-creation and co-learning processes bringing food systems thinking to action. Her approach is highly cross-sectoral, with public and private sector applications in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas and has contributed to publications in Science, Nature, PNAS, and other high-impact journals.

Roseline also founded and co-led the Agrobiodiversity Index, which won the 2023 Food Planet Prize. She is a core contributor to the Food Systems Countdown Initiative, the Food Systems Dashboard and the IPBES Transformative Change Assessment.

She was a Marie Curie fellow and associate research scientist at Columbia University. She holds a Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium, Cuba, Mexico, Colombia).